› Sid Verma

Hi friend. I’m Sid!

This is my home on the internet. Come, have a tour. Please leave your shoes at the door.

I work with technology for a living - mostly as a software engineer. Some details are available in the resume below. In addition, I’m interested in filmmaking, tinkering with electronics, and building a decentralized internet. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to work together.

I also like trees.

I spent a lot of time today reading the specifications of Indian electrical sockets, and since it took me way too long to find this information - here’s a quick summary of what the different kinds of sockets mean. I hope at least one other person finds this useful.

I have a nice little computer in my house which hosts a bunch of services I use. It sits behind a NAT, so I can’t connect directly to it via my public IP address. Hence, I use a cheap cloud instance on DigitalOcean to act as the gateway for my home-server to the internet.

My previous setup was basically a VPN tunnel between a cloud server and my home server, where the cloud server forwarded TCP traffic to my home server, which served all my services.

Lately, I’ve been rebuilding this infrastructure, and one of the things I was due for, is to have all my devices (my cloud server, home server, laptop, phone, etc) connected to each other all the time. Also, it needed to be in a mesh instead of hub-and-spoke, as there was no need for data to go over the internet if I’m home, on the same physical network as my home-server.

I spent a good amount of time trying out a bunch of methods, until settling on one. This post runs through all the options I found, and why I chose what I chose. I won’t go into how to set it up - there should be plenty of articles and documentation on the internet. TLDR: I now use tailscale with a headscale server.

Sep 2022
Goa, India

I moved into a much older house in Goa earlier this year, and had a lot of fun these past months setting it up and wiring it down. It’s very janky, dusty, and lovely.

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